Florida Basic Driver Improvement Course
Don't be misled by 'Traffic Schools' which advertise low upfront prices; and then charge up with add on fees for your Completion Certificate, the State Assessment Fee, and their own "Processing" fee. Here you receive all the benefits of our State Approved Course as a Florida traffic school online at one low, complete price.
Just $30.00.
This BDI Course, as known as Florida Basic Driver Improvement Course contains the most current information on defensive driving, collision avoidance, and the dangers of alcohol and drugs.
No Points on Your License
No Insurance Rate Increase
Keep Your Florida Safe Driver Status/Discount
IMPORTANT! This is the 4 hour online traffic school which will satisfy the State of Florida’s requirements to prevent the assignment of points to your driving record.
For a list of Florida Clerk of Court address and contact information regarding driving citations please
click here.
The certificate of completion is
free to download once you finish the requirements. We
report to Florida DMV automatically. Everything can be done from the comfort of your home.
How to start
Our Florida Traffic School course is divided into chapters, which you can take at your own convenience. At the end of each chapter, there are simple review questions you can use to enhance your knowledge.
Once you have finished reading the material, watching the video sessions, and complying with the timing requirements; you will take the online final exam. In the rare event that you do not receive a passing score, you will be able to immediately re-take the exam, as many times as needed, until you pass. There is no additional cost.
Rest assured, our Florida 4 hour online Traffic School is very student friendly! It is designed to accommodate the expert and the novice Internet user. You may
REGISTER NOW and begin immediately !
Florida DHSMV useful links